Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
hit Information and Communication Engineering 3 years March/September Doctor ¥42,000 Taught in English
njust Information and Communication Engineering 4 years September Doctor ¥44,200 Taught in English
bupt Information and Communication Engineering 4 years September Doctor ¥41,000 Taught in English
njupt Information and Communication Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥25,000 Taught in English
nwpu Information and Communication Engineering 4 s September Doctor ¥38000 Taught in English
nwpu Information and Communication Engineering 4 s September Doctor ¥38000 Taught in English
szu Information and Communications Engineering 3years years September Doctor ¥40000 Taught in English
hitsz Information and Eommunication Engineering 4 years September Doctor ¥42000 Taught in English
zju Information and Telecommunication Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥34,800 Taught in English
cust Information and Telecommunications Engineering 4 years September Doctor ¥29,000 Taught in English
wut Information Management and Information System 4 years March/September Doctor ¥33,000 Taught in English
whu Information Resources Management 3 years September Doctor ¥35000 Taught in English
ccnu Information Science year September Doctor ¥39000 Taught in English
whu Information Science 3 years September Doctor ¥35000 Taught in English
whu Information Security 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English